Viewing Log Messages using the Log Viewer |
Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of a Log Viewer Admin to view the log messages.
Composite Application Logging (CAL) implementation facilitates comprehensive logging mechanism, where multiple applications can log their details at a single place.
The Logging Service Group is necessary for database logging and is enabled by default for all the Service Containers. You must configure a database which serves as the single location to store log messages generated during the execution of a composite application. You can specify this location during Process Platform Installation in the Database Information screen of the wizard.
Process Platform Log viewer helps you find the log messages through a search criteria.
- On CUSP > My Applications, click
(Log Viewer). The Log Viewer window appears and displays the log messages that are generated in the last 24 hours of time. The messages with Severity type Error and Fatal are only displayed.
- Expand Search Filtersgroup box and do the following:
- In the Diagnostic Context field, provide the combination of a name-value pair, which would match the content from the logs. Example: host=hostname&processid=1234.
- To view the logs generated in a particular time frame, set the dates in From and Tofields.
- If you set only From date, the logs generated from that date to the latest date are displayed.
- If you set only To date, the logs generated in the last 24 hours are displayed.
- If you do not set the time period, all the available logs are displayed.
- Select a type of severity from the Severity drop-down list. If you select a severity level, messages belonging to it as well as all the levels beneath it are displayed. Example: If you set INFO as the severity level, the messages belonging to the levels,INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL are also displayed.
- Click Searchbutton.
- You can select the Advanced Search option to refine your search criteria based on the different fields. Log messages that match the search criteria are displayed in a table. By default, the table displays only Severity, Timestamp, Message, Category values of the log messages.
- To view details of more options, right-click the table header and select Column Chooser option. This provides the list of options, from which you can select the required parameters.
- Select a log message from the search results.Related details are displayed in the Detailsgroup box.
Context specific information is provided in the Diagnostic Context field. This information is provided by the respective component. You can use these details as name value pairs for further grouping of messages by applying the search criteria. Ensure to delimit your values by "&". Example: host=CIN0321L&processid=5948&messageid={BEABD11B-BB14} is an MDC value.
Log messages and corresponding details are displayed.
To disable logging to database, go to System Resource Manager > Service Groups App Palette > Logging > ServiceGroup Properties - Logging. Clear the selection of the Enable Composite Application Logging check box.
- The Log Viewer application fails to work, when you change the location of a log file. However, for standalone Service Containers (with custom log policy), the name of the file can be changed. If there is genuine need for creating logs in a separate location other than <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/Logs folder, the symbolic link of OS can be used. Refer to for information on creating symbolic links in Windows. In Linux,'ln;command can be used for symbolic links.
- Currently there are no archiving or deleting features for Process Platform log table. However, a table by name CORDYS_LOG is created in the database that is specified during installation. You can delete the entries from the table using the external SQL editors. You may refer the database scripts (used for creating the Process Platform log table) at <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/managementlib/dbscripts/createscripts/CAL_<Database type>.sql.